
The Push to Make Super Bowl Monday a Holiday in Tennessee

With the 2022 Super Bowl taking place on Sunday, February 13, some legislators in Tennessee want to make the following Monday an official state holiday. Here’s a look at the proposal and arguments around giving residents a day off after the big game.

What Is Being Proposed?

Tennessee lawmakers have introduced a bill to designate the Monday after the Super Bowl as an official holiday in the state called “Super Bowl Monday.” If passed, it would excuse state employees and public school students from work and class. The holiday would occur annually on the Monday following the Super Bowl game, which is always on a Sunday in early February. Private businesses would not be required to observe the holiday.

Reasoning Behind the Proposed Holiday

Supporters of the measure say a Super Bowl Monday holiday would allow fans to properly celebrate and recover after the big game which often involves parties. Since the Super Bowl starts late on Sunday evening, people are up late watching it. Having the next day off would promote public safety by ensuring tired football fans aren’t forced to drive to work or school. The holiday would also encourage spending around Super Bowl Sunday which generates significant revenue.

Precedent in Other States

If passed, Tennessee wouldn’t be the first state to declare Super Bowl Monday a holiday. Louisiana has observed the Monday after Super Bowl as a state holiday for decades. Other states including Missouri, North Carolina and Illinois have introduced similar bills, pointing to the cultural significance of the Super Bowl in America. However, no other state has yet to follow Louisiana in officially making it a holiday.

Potential Downsides

There are arguments against states designating Super Bowl Monday as a holiday. Firstly, it causes lost productivity by cutting a workday. Secondly, schools would lose a day of instruction. Critics say it’s frivolous to make a holiday just to watch football. Businesses unwilling to close could face employees calling in sick or skipping. There’s also debate as to whether taxpayer dollars should fund a holiday centered around a private company’s sporting event.

Chances the Bill Will Pass

According to legislative analysts, the Tennessee Super Bowl Monday bill has a decent chance of passing. Football and especially the Super Bowl are enormously popular in the state. Mandating the observance just once a year makes the holiday idea more plausible. Gov. Bill Lee has indicated he would sign the bill if it reaches his desk. However, opposition from groups like fiscal conservatives and educators may block the measure.

Impact on Schools and Businesses

If made law, a Super Bowl Monday holiday would force school districts to alter calendars to make up the lost day. They could add minutes to other days or eliminate already scheduled off days. Private companies would then have to decide if they want to follow suit and close. Various retail and leisure businesses may opt to stay open and capitalize on the high public attendance with Super Bowl-themed promotions.

Other Post-Super Bowl Activities

Super Bowl Monday doesn’t necessarily have to be an official holiday for people to enjoy post-game festivities. Many workers take a vacation day, companies close voluntarily, and students use it as a skip day. Super Bowl parties spill over into Monday as people enjoy re-watching plays and commercials. Bars, restaurants and sports bars draw big crowds. And of course, avid football fans start looking ahead to next season and the draft.

Super Bowl Monday Holiday Remains in Discussion

While no definitive decision has been made yet, the proposal to make Super Bowl Monday a state holiday in Tennessee has generated interesting debate. Supporters see it as a boon for the economy and giving people work-life balance. Critics argue the costs outweigh the benefits. For now, residents will need to rely on their employers’ policies and use vacation days. But depending on legislators, an official day off may soon follow Super Sunday.

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