A Perplexing Predicament Unfolds In a bizarre turn of events, a man looking for a restroom at Miami’s Art Basel festival stumbled into a precarious...
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Newly Identified Toxin-Binding Molecule Could Prevent Fatal Poisonings The death cap mushroom, Amanita phalloides, is among the world’s deadliest fungi...
Introduction The Japanese island of Iriomote, located in Okinawa, has implemented new visitor limits to protect the island’s pristine wilderness and...
With the 2022 Super Bowl taking place on Sunday, February 13, some legislators in Tennessee want to make the following Monday an official state holiday...
A Summer of Celebrating Black Artistry This summer, leading art institutions across America are presenting expansive exhibits celebrating Black artists. Major...
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Scattered across the deserts of the Middle East are thousands of ancient stone structures known as desert kites. These mysterious constructions consist of long...
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