
Kyle Beach Reveals Himself as Former Blackhawks Player Alleging Sexual Assault Cover-Up

Troubling Allegations Come to Light

In a televised interview in October 2021, former Chicago Blackhawks minor league player Kyle Beach revealed himself to be “John Doe” in a lawsuit alleging the team covered up his sexual assault by a coach in 2010.

Beach said Blackhawks leaders neglected his accusations against video coach Brad Aldrich, allowing Aldrich to remain with the team during their Stanley Cup run before quietly departing.

A Young Player Failed by Powerful Figures

Then a vulnerable 20-year-old rookie, Beach said he was victimized sexually and psychologically by Aldrich after confiding in skills coach Paul Vincent. But after Vincent informed team executives, little recourse followed.

Beach said the team prioritized chasing a championship over his safety and well-being. Their inaction enabled ongoing trauma and future victimization by Aldrich.

Seeking Accountability and Prevention

By coming forward publicly, Beach aimed to hold the Blackhawks accountable while advocating for organizational reform to prevent future sexual violence being buried.

After years of anguish, Beach found strength to share his story,determined to create change for others enduring similar pain and powerlessness within sports systems.

A Cautionary Tale for Sports Leaders

Beach’s bravery speaking out underscores the need for culture change in locker rooms and front offices. Sports figures must take accusations seriously and prioritize protecting players, not just championships.

The Blackhawks’ failure inflicts lingering damage on victims like Beach. But by owning his trauma, Beach aims to ensure no team buries abuse again.

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